“I had a great experience with Kyle at the Breathwork Workshop. It was definitely something I’ve never experienced before I appreciated everything that we learned and felt. Kyle is a very warm and friendly person and I definitely recommend any of his workshops he has to offer! Thank you!!”
“I have attended two of Kyle’s Transpersonal Breath Work Circles and they are simply amazing! Each one has presented a different experience in a warm and safe environment. I plan on continuing to attend Kyle’s circles! See you there.”
“I had a phenomenal experience yesterday at Prana for Peace in Stillwater, NJ. Kyle Buller hosted a fantastic Transpersonal Breathwork workshop. The deep meditation I went through was definitely an out of body experience. As soon as I fell into a deep trance my body felt very relaxed but my mind was somewhere else. My imagination started running like wild. Throughout the 3 hours, a saw strobes several times, which has never happened to me before. The trance music helped guide the meditation and brought me to different places, but I felt grounded the whole time. I would recommend this Breathwork workshop to anyone who is feeling anxious or stressed out. After leaving I felt very relaxed. Kyle has improved his teaching techniques dramatically since last year.
Again I would recommend this workshop to anyone feeling stressed out or anxious.”
“I got in touch with Kyle in the very beginning stages of my spiritual crisis. I took lsd and it opened me up pretty wide. At this time, I needed a considerable amount of help navigating through what I was experiencing. I was hearing voices and having hallucinations, good and bad, and a list of other symptoms. I knew that I was hearing the voices of my spirit guides, lower vibrational entities, and parts of myself that echoed in my head that shined light on things that needed to be healed from within. One of the first few things that Kyle did for me was a Shamanic journey. He came back with some profound guidance for me from the spirit realm. One thing in particular that he came back with, was that I awakened ancestral energy as well as ancestral trauma. I had no idea that something like this was possible, it was unlike anything that I have ever heard of, or been taught. When he went more into detail about this ancestral energy, a lot of things started coming together and making sense to me. Fast forward about a year and a half, I am still utilizing the tools that Kyle gave to me on this journey and from emails that we have sent back and forth to each other. I asked Kyle if he would do another journey for me about 5 months ago when I was in the hospital, and he did, so willingly. I am forever grateful for his services. He has assisted me on a myriad of levels. I refer back to our emails every now and again, as they reassure me every single time that I am not crazy, and to get better, I have to do the work. I would recommend Kyle to absolutely anyone who is undergoing a spiritual crisis. He has helped me tremendously, and I know that he will be able to do the same for you.