The Vacation Effect: Traveling For Productivity and Self Discovery
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Americans are notoriously hard workers, known for skipping vacations due to dedication to work, children, and career opportunities. According to Forbes magazine, 54% of workers end the year with unused time off. A study by Project Time Off showed that workers that don’t take their vacation are usually lower performers. Those that do tend to perform better, get promoted and report a higher level of satisfaction in their job. This is because taking time off has proven physical and mental benefits.
Benefits of Taking Time Off
Psychology Today reported on a study showing a “vacation effect” on the brain. Participants in the study that engaged in vacation and meditation showed vast changes in regulating stress in the body and immune strength. In terms of psychological effects, people showed less signs of stress and more vitality during and after the vacation.
Brightens your attitude towards your job: Removing yourself from the routine will keep your mind fresh and give you a more positive outlook towards your job.
It’s good for your brain: Our brains are designed to withstand a good amount of stress, but also need the rest time to reset and regroup.
Increases productivity. As Entrepreneur magazine writes, if you are constantly depleting your resources you won’t be as productive as you can be. By nourishing your energies and spending time on yourself, you will increase mental and physical health.
Rejuvenate the Mind
Embarking on a journey can be one of the best ways to utilize vacation time. This way you are not tempted on checking into the office or wonder about work. You want to fully remove yourself from the stressors that surround you on a daily basis in order to really reap the benefits of the time off.
Alter Your Perspective
The Huffington Post reported that travel can alter your perspective on your life. When visiting a new place, you may find an entirely different way of life, culture, and history. This enhances ideas and a thirst for knowledge.
Ignite the Exploration Bug
Traveling is a great way to kindle a new curiosity and excitement for life and all that it has to offer. Visiting places of great historical importance, natural beauty, or simply new and foreign cultures reinvigorates a desire for new experiences.
A Spiritual Healer
When life takes a wrong turn, when we’re dealing with pain or grief, or healing from addiction or illness, traveling is a profound medicine. Battling addiction is its own intimate journey, full of highs and lows and difficult challenges. Hitting the road is a great way to combat this because it is a way of cleansing the mind and resetting. When traveling you are more likely to remain sober; each day brings something new, a new possibility, adventure, or a new friend and this is a wholesome defense against falling into old habits. Instead, traveling gives you new insight and fortifies the spirit.
Seeing majestic places has a way of reminding us what’s truly important and even strengthening our bonds with family and friends. The Atlantic magazine has highlighted how a backpacking trip can be a guide for self-reinvention. Any journey has a good way of changing our outlook on priorities, strengthening the sense of self, and illuminating your world. Awaken that love of discovery and life will open up new avenues, healing stress and old wounds.
Travel Can Introduce you to New Friends
It is inevitable that on the road you will cross paths with others, many of whom will be different than you, but with similar stories. Meeting new people, seeing new faces and different ways of coping with and understanding life might just provide you a piece of wisdom that will enhance your mindset.
All of life is a journey. Don’t be afraid to get up from your desk and immerse yourself in it. Don’t skip those vacation days, your work will be there when you return. Pack your bags and embrace the open road. Remember that stepping away will make you more productive and replenish the energy drained from the tribulations of daily life so that you can return fresh and ready to accomplish great things.