Connecting With Mother Earth

Please feel free to download this sample drumming track.  This was recorded on Lake Champlain, so you may hear birds chirping, people talking, rain drop hitting the ground, and the waves of the lake crashing against the shore. 

A Meditation:

*For best results, please listen with headphones. 

Find a comfortable position, you man sit in a chair or on the ground, or you may lie on your back -- whatever position you find most comfortable. 

Close your eyes and begin to turn inwards. 

Silence any thoughts you have about the day, or any expectations you may have for this meditation. 

Start this meditation off by taking three deep breathes.  Breathe in, hold for long as you can, and exhale to release. 

Set an intention to reconnect with the Earth.  Ask Mother Earth to guide you through your journey.  It may be helpful to set an intention about why you are doing this meditation -- are you looking for guidance, are you looking for healing, or are you just curious about exploring?  And why are you looking for these things?  What is going on in your life right now that brought you here? 

Once the drumming begins, visualize a place that is comfortable for you -- it could be your in your house, in a field, on the beach, or in a forest.

Explore this area, and see what is around... Explore with all your senses... hear, taste, see, and feel the things around you.  As you begin to visualize and explore this space, set an intention to find a tree.  Trees can be good allies to help with grounding and connecting to the earth.  After all, they have deep root systems and are very rooted into the earth's crust. 

Once you have found a tree that speaks or calls to you, ask for it's permission to sit with it.  If the tree gives you permission, ask it questions or bring your intention to it.  If you are feeling anxious in life, it could be helpful to ask the tree if it can help with grounding some of the anxious energy -- sending it down through it's roots. 

If a tree does not give permission, or if you don't come across a tree, just listen to the drum and think about the heart beat of Mother Earth.  The drum is a useful tool that can help us reconnect with the heart beat of Mother Earth. 

Have fun, and try not to force anything to happen.  Let the drum take you away, and let the rhythm guide the way.  There is no right way or wrong way to do this meditation.  Just feel the heart beat of Mother Earth and let her rhythm take you to where you need to go. 

When you hear the change in rhythm towards the end, that is your callback to find your way back to your body.  Slowly come back to your body and observe how you feel.  Do you feel different?  Did any emotions come up for you?  What was that like?  It may be helpful to take your time coming back to your body and explore what's going on in your body as well in your mind.  Enjoy! :)

Please leave us a comment below to share your thoughts. 
